Roadways, driveways and parking lots that are not suitably maintained may result in more costly repairs and replacement down the road and vehicle damage.

Not only is pothole repair critical concerning asphalt durability and longevity, but customers and local residents alike will also appreciate well-maintained asphalt surfaces.

The Importance of Pothole Repair and Patching

Potholes form due to the wear and tear from weather and the amount of traffic on the pavement. The expansion and contraction of water cause potholes to develop after it has entered into the ground under the pavement.

Once potholes are formed, they need to be repaired as soon as possible. Why? Because potholes will grow continuously based on traffic and weather conditions and the bigger the pothole, the more dangerous it can be for pedestrians and vehicles.

Custom Asphalt Patching Solutions

We have the experience and expertise to help ensure your potholes are repaired the right way.

Not only do we expertly repair your asphalt surface, we manufacture and sell custom hot mix and cold mix patching products in-house, to ensure they perfectly match the South Carolina climate and your particular needs.